Nine (9) Africa jokes that will make you smile

 1. The lady i trained at THE University just graduated this year, but she gave me a shocking news yesterday that am trying to recover from it since then.
I told her that I want to come and see her parents for our marriage plans but she said that she is sorry to let me know that marriage is not friendship that she don't think that WE can make good husband and wife.
When i reminded her of the money i have spent on her, She told me that GOD will reward me with a good wife and she promise to train one of my daughter just to let me know that she is not an ingrate.

House please what do i do? Because am short of words even to discus it with my family who have been warning me to be careful how i spend on her during her University days no is not easy for me.
Please you people should advice me as a brother.
2. A teacher is teaching a class and she sees that Tumelo isn't paying attention, so she asks him, "If there are three ducks sitting on a fence, and you shoot one, how many are left?" Tumelo says, "None." The teacher asks, "Why?" Tumelo says, "Because the shot scared them all off." The teacher says, "No, two, but I like how you're thinking." Tumelo asks the teacher,
"If you see three women walking out of an ice cream parlor, one is licking her ice cream, one is sucking her ice cream, and one is biting her ice cream, which one is married?" The teacher says, "The one sucking her ice cream."
Tumelo says, "No, the one with the wedding ring, but I like how you're thinking!"
3. To all those slay queens that start a relationship with a command that i accept your proposal but no sex,If a relationship IS NOT about Sex
Why not date your Family member?
4.  ​I paid a dear friend a visit. His wife served us supper with plenty meat, yet their kids had only sliced onions and tomatoes on their meals to eat. After the meal, I asked my friend why we had this plenty meat and his kids had none. He said "what should I do, when they say they won't eat rat?​
READ ALSO==> Funny jokes that will make you smile
​I'm still still thinking oooooo!
5. Armed robbers broke into an husband and wife's house and robbed them of their money. Then, the armed robbers leader said: I will have to kill both of you, but tell me your names before I kill you.
Wife: My name is Mary.
Armed robber replied: Oh shit! My mom name is Mary, So I can't kill Mary.
"What's your name?" he asked the husband.
Husband: My name is James but my friends call me Mary, I swear
6.  Three boys are in the school playground bragging on how great their fathers are.

The first one says, "Well, my father is the fastest, he fires an arrow and gets there before it.

The second said his father can shoot a gun and get there before the bullet.

The third listens to them and shakes his head and said, "You two know nothing about being fast. My father is a civil servant, he stops working around 4:30pm and gets home by 3:45pm.

7. *My Oyinbo friend asked me "why Nigerians will lock their
car via remote and hear the lock sound and still check the
door to be sure"?*
*I told him that we like to be very sure. Our village people
might have played the lock sound in our ear.*
All these poor men harassing their wives for not giving
a male child, please what will The male child inherit???
8.  Just imagine ursef a Girl getting 2 heaven's gate and the angel called
u by ur facebook name "Good day miss dopest queen aka
pepper dem gang the baddest bitch ever liveth" ****sister no need to look for ur name wheter in de book of life or death, do ursef gud by just turning
around and go to hell. Lolxxxxxx
9. People are just wicked" imaging selling fake rat poison this challenging time "" pls before you buy taste it pls the original one tastes salty "" don't thank me pls
"Keep visiting us every day we love to make you smile".


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