Funny jokes from different comedians

1. You think life is frustrating?

Try eating spaghetti with Rubber spoon,

The spaghetti will be Forming Slay Queen for U.

2.Boy: Am not rich lik Emeka, i dnt even hav a big car lik Emeka. But i luv u! Gal: i luv u too, but tel me more abt Emaka

Mc U.B.A comedian

2.He promised to take you to a place you have never been before, now he took you to his village and you are angry.

Aunty have you been to his village before?

Mc Slate comedian

3.  Just thinking....Give a girl 500k or iPhone 8, her mother or father won't ask her where she got it from!!

But if you give her ordinary belle, just small belle o, her father, mother, brothers, uncles and aunties, even her ancestors will come looking for you....Is this fair🤷‍???

Mc talk active comedian

4.Tell a girl a million times she's not fat, she’ll never believe you. Call her fat once she’ll never forget it

Mc U.B.A comedian

5. Doctor told me that I have only 2 months to live due to cancer So I killed that doctor and judge gave me 20 years...

Mc let them no comedian 

6. Being dumped by a dark-skinned girl is the worst thing ever because anytime you get home and see charcoal, you become emotional.🤸🏾‍

mc chop money

READ ALSO; 12 most funniest africa jokes

7. My cousin came back drunk last night ..... Asking me to help him hold the house steady so he can open the door

8. A Fresh Boy🧑 Who Acts Irrational, Is Not Cursed But Has Some Tribal Marks On His Brain

9. Short guys with laptop bags at their back be looking like tortoise. 

10.The kind of Rice scent that is coming out from my neighbor's house eeh!!..

Let me go and tell her that I was the one who removed her clothes when the rain was falling day before Yesterday

mc U.B.A comedian

11.witchcraft is after stealing 4rm the pot...u cant remember if the spoon was placed inside the pot or on top of the pot...

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣mc slate comedian

12. I visited a girl once,

tried touching

her and she said,

"Stop it".

I stopped only to get home and

found a text reading,

"You give up easily".

Girls are crazy.

Usulor story writer

13. Anybody that has not laughed in this Blog is capable of committing murder ‼

Ague with your landlord 

14. Yesterday I decided to take a short cut that passes through a cemetery, two men ran towards me telling me how they were scared of walking alone so they joined me. I told them even me too I used to be afraid when I was in the world. Mehhnn....see race, dem no get speed limit. I was trying to tell them that when I was in the world, I used to be afraid, but now that I am in Christ old things have passed away ooo🤣!!🤣

 *Enjoy* *your* *week*


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